Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Mariah keene
Period 7
Short story

Oh crap it's 7;30 i overslept. I still need to go pick up my sult for the drift tonight and i still got  to get a workout in today.  I got to go to the dry cleaners to pick up my sult and then i'll go work out for an hour or two. “I'm here to pick up my all blacked out sult” I said to the lady at the dry cleaners she asked for my name i said “my name is Jake Rogers.” she said “ok i'll be right back.” she went and grabbed it and then I paid and said “thank you” come again” she said. So i went and worked out  and i couldn't stop thinking about how proud of my parents would have been.  If i got to meet them and they got to meet me. Then i finished my workout and on i stopped and got a strawberry smoothie then i got home and took a shower and got dressed i was in all blacked out except for my tie it was black with gold strips. All of my friends got there and got there and then we left for the draft around 2;30pm. We got there and could not have been more excited but nervous at the same time. Waiting seemed like forever. When i thought the night was over with the steelers the only team left.

He got the name and then the  head coach mike Tomlin called me and asked “are you ready to be a steeler.” then they called him so he went out got his hat and the draft jersey. Then they showed his highlights he was the best college QB he took them to the college playoffs and he won two rose bowls trophies for his college. They thought he would be good in pittsburg with the best offense of line and defense and great wide receivers. So he started to pack close for his trip to pittsburgh where he would play as a QB. then two days later he went to a PI office and i said “ih I have a three o’clock appointment.” the lady at the desk said ok i will let him know you are here. I said ok and i sat down. A few minutes passed by the door opened and he said ih  you must be jack. I said yes. He said let's head back into my office. I said ok. So jack what are you here for. I was just drafted so i wanted to see if you could find my dad i never meat him. I grew up in the foster care system so could you help me find him “Yes i can help you out.” But we are a little more expensive than most PI offices. It's ok i'm going to get a contact  from the team i was drafted by. Ok then let's talk about how much this is going to cost you. Ok how much I asked oh wait here is something that could help you. What is it he asked .it's my birth certificate but they never sighted it. So i just would like to meet him . ok this is going to help a lot trying to find your dad. How much do you think it's going to be he asked probably 1 to 2 thousand. Rogers said ok well im heading to pittsburgh tomorrow. So here is my email contact me if you find anything. Then he left and went to shanon house to say good bye. He got there and knocked on the door and she answered the door and asked what are you doing here you weren't going to be here for another hour. In the background a guy said babe who is at the door. Jack said who is that why is he calling you babe. She didn't answer so he passed her into the house and said who are you. The guy said i'm her boyfriend who are you. Im her boyfriend of almost 7 years. Jack looked at shanon and said wow i thought we were forever than left. She said jake stop please don't go i love you.   You're my forever i swear your the only one for me the reason i need to talk to you. I'm pregnant she yelled. Jack stopped and looked back at her. What did you say your pregnant is it even mine. Shanon said yes it could be anyone else's. Jake looked at her i am getting on on that plane tomorrow if you are so confident it's mine come my plane leaves at 7’55am to pittsburgh if you are not on that plane i will see in nine months to get a DNA test done on her/him. If it's not mine i will not talk to you again. Shanon looked at him and said i will see you tomorrow. Jack left and went home and finished packing up his stuff the movers are going to be here at 4 he told his friend jacobe. Then he asked what had happened earlier that day. Jack looked at him and said she tells me shes pregnant and it's mine i don't know if i can trust her world me and her haven't done anything for almost a month because for school and work.

 So if she really is pregnant when its is born i will get an dna test done to protect myself so i'm not raising someone else's kid i love her and if it is mine. I'll do the right thing and be there for the baby but other then that. I'm done with her i hope she lied and said she was pregnant so me and her don't have to see each other again. Jacob looked at him and asked why do you think the the baby isn't your. Jack looked at him and said because she cheated on me.  Jacob said oh man that suck im sorry. Jack said it's cool but i need to go to bed so i can get up in the morning. Jacob said ok and left. Jake woke up the next day and got ready to leave for pittsburgh. The movers got there said everything is going. Yes ill meet you out there not everything going to my hotel room ok the movers said ok. Jack left for the airport. He got on the plan for pittsburgh. He got done there got off the plan and a lot of steeler fans were there to see him. He was happy to be there. Then he went in for some interview then. Went to the hotel until the the team dinner that night. He got back to the hotel and got onto his laptop. There was a email from the PI all it said said was call me. So rogers go his phone out and called the PI. he answered and said ok let me send you the email of everything i had found. Rogers was reading through it said why is my moms name in her she is died giving birth to me. The PI said no she's not there is no death certificate for her she is. Lives in pittsburgh her and your dad are married here ill email you their address ok he said. Rogers got the address and got ready and went to dinner had a good time with his new team about two weeks went by he got a contact for 4 years 4 million dollars he signed it. He left could not stop thinking about his birth parents. So he looked at the email and found the adress then he put it into the car GPS. then he drove to there house they were home it looked like.he went up to the door and then knocked on the door a woman answered the door then Rogers asked if there was a Richard and a Rebecca home.the woman said yes i'm Rebecca and then she called for her husband. He came and asked what Rogers wanted then he asked her husband are you Richard he said yes i am what do you want. Rogers said i'm your son.they looked each other they said we have never had a kid we tried for for years but it never happened. He showed them a picture  of the the birth certificate. They looked at him and then asked him to come in they said we adopted but are son is in college then his mom looked at his dad said remember when we broke up for a little bit we had a son but i couldn't do it on my own and we went talking so i put him up for adoption. A nice family adopted you i thought about you for a long time but they changed their numbers because i wanted you back but no one could find you after awhile i couldn't take it anymore then me and your dad started to talk again so i didn't want him to go in the same hole i went in trying to look for you then i saw your name for a college football team so i figured you had an ok life. Until the draft when they told your story i was saving money so i could meet you and tell you everything that had happen. Then you showed up tonight and i don't know what to say. Then the dad looked at his wife and said wow i wish you would have told me but i understand why you never told me about him. Rogers looked at them and said sorry if i  can and you didn't want me in your lives rebecca cut him off you are son so we are going to be here for you if you let us be there for you. Rogers looked at them i wanted to meet you so i could have a relationship with guy if you wanted have one with me and they looked at each other and said be would love to have relationship with you. We were about to go out to eat would you like to go with us he looked at them and said there is a family/team dinner tonight if you would like to go. They said ok let me just call my coach and tell him.
`    He called what up coach he said hey i'm going to bring my parents would that be ok he asked coach tomlin said yes. So rogers told them the name of the restaurant and told them i'll meet you there i have to go home and change into my sulit ok they said what time should i be there  in about an hour but that includes the drive there ok they said see you there. Rogers went back to the hotel took a quick shower and got dress did his hair to make sure it looked nice. Then he left for the restaurant he got there and he saw  his parent driving up so he  waited for them.
    His parents were dressed nice so him and his parents walked in and they went and sat at the table wear the team was. They were hanging out coach tomlin got up and said who is ready for are first regular season game tomorrow he looked at everyone and said who is ready to beat the crap out of the New England Patriots mike tomlin said they are coming to our house let show them what we are made of we got the best college QB that is out there on are team what here to hold us back nothing. He looked at Rogers and said this is your first real game in the NFL so make it count no one thinks we can do it let's prove them all wrong and start this season with a big bang. We have the best defense out there and a great offense so let's go out there and have the best season. We could win every game this season if we all put 100% effort in this whole season. Then coach sat down they eat and then Rogers went back to the hotel they had an early game. When he got back he got a call from his ex girlfriend shanon she said i'm on my way to the airport i finally have the money to come down there. Rogers said i'll see you when you get here he gave her the hotel name and the room he is in. about 7 and half hours later he heard a knock at is door and he went to the door and and opened the door it was her. She said i told you i would be here.

    He looked at her and said i told you that about 5 months ago all i know that could be someone else kid that you are trying to get me to rais. She looked at him and said it's not he said i guess we'll find out in a few months from now she looked at him can i come in he said only for the night and sleep on the couch. She said ok how have you been he said i have been fine i meat my parent. She looked at him and asked how that went he said it went fine he asked if she wanted to go to the game and she said yes so he got her a ticket. He said i'm going to get ready for to day he said but sleep you probably need it.

    He got ready it was about 8 and so he woke her up and  had made her a nice breakfast like he use to do all the time before he had no time he said i have to go she said ok. He looked at her and said love you see you later and she looked and him and said love you to. Then he left for the game he got to the stadium and the team was just getting  there they looked at him and said the rookie isn't late for his first regular season game he looked at them and said you are so funny. They looked at him and asked how he felt about meeting his parent for the first time he said it was pretty cool he said my ex is at my hotel they all looked at him and asked why because she flew in last night and i couldn't let her try to find a hotel she could afford that late.
    The warm ups had started and  he looked around and didn't see her then they had to go to the locker room and get talked to by the coaches. Then they had to run out to the field and he was happy and could not wait when they did it he was ready for whenever they need him they steelers won the toss up and said we will take the ball the 2ed half. So the defense went out there after they git the ball at the 25 yard line they made a five yard past the defense stopped him so he couldn't go any yard after the catch it was 2ed and 5 at the 30 they ran it but the runner fumbled the ball the steelers recovered it so. Rogers finally got the chance he had been waiting so long it as first and 10 on their own 35 yard line Rodgers went up like he was going to run the ball with bell in the back field he hiked the ball and throw it to Eli Rogers for 30 yard he stepped back to throw no one was open so he ran it in for a touchdown.
    At the end of the game it was 51-3 so Rogers and the team began the season with the biggest bang of all the team that have played so far. After the game they went to the locker they all took shower Rogers went for his first post game interview. When he got back he grabbed his phone there were two miss calls from the same number so he called the number back they answered it was a hospital oh you guys called me it must have been a mistake they asked for his name he said Rogers they said no your girlfriend has been an a accident and is in surgery you should get down here soon as possible. So he finished what he was doing and told coach he had to go to the hospital that his ex girlfriend is in surgery the hole team herd and coach said what hospital sunrise he said ok coach said go.

Rogers left for the hospital got there and he said i'm here for my girlfriend they said what is her name shanon rogers said to the nurse. She is in surgery we will let you know if anything happens. About an hour and half later the surgeon said do we have permission to take the baby out if we need to Rogers looked at him are you sure it is safe to ya he said she is about 6 and half months and we have the best doctors that will take care of her. Rogers said ok do it if need to but make sure that shanon will be ok. About 4 hours went by and the surgeon came out and said they had to take the baby out and she is doing good as could be knowing the baby was not full term. Then rogers asked about shanon he said w tried every thing we could but she did not make it.

A few days went by and he had to leave the hospital to go to practice then he was going to come back to the hospital the nurse and him were always talking to each other and he said can you hang out with her until i get back from practice she said ya. It was the end of her shift but she stayed anyway so the baby wasn't alone. Rogers got back from practice and the nurse said your back he asked couldn't you get in trouble for sitting by one baby she said no my shift end like an hour ago he said you stayed. She said ya i didn't want her to be by herself she asked how the baby's mom was he said she died so i'm going to be doing this on my own. The nurse said well she is here i will look after her when you're not here rogers said thank you. She said ill be back in about four hours see then he said ok.  He saw her about 5 and half hours later so he went and got him and her a coffee she said thank you. When he gave it to her they talked every day she watched the baby while he was at practice for a few months then the baby was healthy enough i could take her home.

His parents were there when he was taking her home and he looked at the nurse said what are you doing tonight i would like you out to dinner or something. She said nothing after i get off work. He gave her his number about 8 would you out to dinner with me as a date she said i would love to go to dinner with you. I will pick you at 8 he said she said see you then.

They went out on a date he said i hoppe ill see you again she said you will about  year later he asked her to marry him she said yes and they got married about a year after that she adopted his daughter they were happy and his career was going great he already won 2 superbowls and heading to another in his third year him. Was about to sign another contract for about 30 million and 10 years as a steeler. He was happily married and she was pregnant with a baby boy.

  To be continued
                   The end